Spruce Woods

Manitoba Liberal Party (MLP) - Candidate: Michelle Budiwski

Q: How have disabilities played a role in your life and the lives of your loved ones?

While no one in my current immediate family lives with a physical or cognitive disability, my late husband was losing his hearing due to damage at the time of his loss was at 40% and deteriorating. I remember the devastating impact on his mental health as he battled with the stigma and refused physical aids to help him. Ending the stigma and raising awareness is what drove me to helping families advocate for inclusivity in schools for their children with my REAL Westman platform prior to COVID and beyond.

Q: Which one of DMVote’s 5 priority issues is of the greatest interest to you and why?

Resources. Especially here in rural Manitoba. In a Winnipeg centric government too often we are forgotten and left behind. Expecting families and persons to travel to the city for appointments is ludicrous. We need locally available services, transportation, home care, trained education supports and programs... we need a government that understands life beyond the perimeter to allow ALL of our residents be truly included in their own communities.

Q: Disability discrimination has made up the largest share by far of all the formal complaints lodged with the Manitoba Human Rights Commission over the last 20 years. What do you think accounts for this and what do you think needs to be done to address it?

Education. Hands down. As we educate the public... students, educators, administrators, businesses, community leaders...on disability issues we can work together to create truly inclusive environments. A lack of awareness and understanding cannot facilitate progress. This needs to change. Disability matters should be integrated into policy. All policies.

New Democratic Party of Manitoba (NDP) - Candidate: Melissa Ghidoni

The candidate did not respond by our September 20, 2023 deadline

The Progressive Conservative Party of Manitoba (PC) Candidate: Grant Jackson

Q: How have disabilities played a role in your life and the lives of your loved ones?

Numerous family members have had mobility issues and have required the use of wheelchairs. I saw firsthand how their lives were impacted. Doing daily errands became a challenge and even their ability to get around to get groceries or go to work became more complicated.

Q: Which one of DMVote’s 5 priority issues is of the greatest interest to you and why?

Implementing the Manitoba Accessibility Act is paramount. Every Manitoban should be able to access workplaces, stores, and public spaces. Working collaboratively with private businesses and government departments is key.

Q: Disability discrimination has made up the largest share by far of all the formal complaints lodged with the Manitoba Human Rights Commission over the last 20 years. What do you think accounts for this and what do you think needs to be done to address it?

Raising awareness and educating the public on ways to improve access and reducing systemic barriers is vitally important. There are costs associated with improving access, which all levels of government can assist in making those necessary improvements. Moreover, all workplaces and those who provide housing should be conscientious of those with disabilities and do everything they can to eliminate barriers.