
Manitoba Liberal Party (MLP) - Candidate: Umar Hayat

The candidate did not respond by our September 20, 2023 deadline

New Democratic Party of Manitoba (NDP) Candidate: JD Devgan

Q: How have disabilities played a role in your life and the lives of your loved ones?

I haven’t personally faced the challenges of a disability, but there are people in my life who do and I have witnessed just how difficult many activities can be – things I may take for granted.

Q: Which one of DMVote’s 5 priority issues is of the greatest interest to you and why?

Each one of these areas interest me and are important and we need to make progress. I hope to be part of an NDP government that will take key steps ahead:

  • increase wages for disability support workers so Manitobans with disabilities can get the best care from the people who know them best
  • ensure people with lived experiences design our disability support programs
  • improve employment opportunities for people with disabilities
  • ensure no one working full-time lives in poverty

Q: Disability discrimination has made up the largest share by far of all the formal complaints lodged with the Manitoba Human Rights Commission over the last 20 years. What do you think accounts for this and what do you think needs to be done to address it?

Manitobans with disabilities have the basic human right to fully participate in all aspects of life – but unfortunately, stigma and systemic barriers often prevent that from happening. Government needs to take action to combat stigma, to come at it from every angle and provide solutions so people can live with dignity whether that’s at school, at work, or anywhere else.

We need to work with the community to implement and enforce the Accessibility for Manitobans Act, supporting education and awareness campaigns, and properly funding disability supports – including raising wages for disability workers.

People with disabilities need to be at decision-making tables. The Manitoba NDP will make sure the community is regularly consulted and included from the start – including as a part of our new Premier’s Business and Jobs Council.

The Progressive Conservative Party of Manitoba (PC) - Candidate: Shelah Restall

The candidate did not respond by our September 20, 2023 deadline.