DMVote News-In-Minute (1)

Thank you for your continuing support. Your voice is magnifying the message of the Disability Matters Vote campaign across the province, and there are more easy things you can do.

This week, will you tell four friends, or family members, or people at work about the disability issues being highlighted in this campaign. Make sure to get their commitment to vote on September 10th. Disabilities affect ALL Manitobans, and because one in four adult Manitobans has a disability, it’s easy to connect with people who want to talk.

If you’ve been waiting for your lawn sign to be delivered, we thank you for your patience! Our volunteers are working hard and fast to deliver signs, respond to emails, calls, and messages on social media. If you can, please pick up a sign at:

·         Winnipeg: Abilities Manitoba, 500 Madison St. and St.Amant, 440 River Road

·         Brandon: Westman Opportunities, 1544 10th St. 

·         Selkirk: Inclusion Selkirk, 306 Jemima St.

·         Beausejour: Association for Community Living, 917 Park Ave. 

Otherwise, please send an email including your name, address and phone number to and a volunteer will deliver as quickly as possible.

We’ll connect with you again next week with more easy ways to keep the momentum strong and building!


