Invest in a Skilled Workforce

You can review our description of this priority here.

These are the three questions that we posed to each party related to this priority issue.

If elected to from the government ...

  • Will your party commit to an increase over the next 3 years of $21, $23, and $25 for an average wage for disability support workers?
  • Will your party work toward similar average hourly wage increases for all frontline disability support workers, personal care attendants, and homecare workers with similar responsibilities?
  • Will your party work with organizations and stakeholders in the overall disability sector to develop and implement a competency-based training system?

Party Responses

Green Party of Manitoba

Green Party of Manitoba

Q: Will your party commit to an increase over the next 3 years of $21, $23, and $25 for an average wage for disability support workers?

A: Yes Greens will!

Q: Will your party work toward similar average hourly wage increases for all frontline disability support workers, personal care attendants, and homecare workers with similar responsibilities?

A: Yes and we will value input by workers in how to make their jobs less wasteful and more Green!

Q: Will your party work with organizations and stakeholders in the overall disability sector to develop and implement a competency-based training system?

A: Green MLAs will support a range of training programs linked to comprehensive quality, community created standards, based on the values of health, ecology, fairness and care! Yes, we agree competency based training programs are needed, funding is required and will improve quality of life for all workers and clients!

Manitoba Liberal Party

Manitoba Liberal Party

Q: Will your party commit to an increase over the next 3 years of $21, $23, and $25 for an average wage for disability support workers?

A: Yes. Disability support workers have been underpaid for too long, and we want to encourage quality care, and continuity of care as well.

Q: Will your party work toward similar average hourly wage increases for all frontline disability support workers, personal care attendants, and homecare workers with similar responsibilities?

A: Yes. We want to ensure modern wages and benefits so that the frontline disability support workers, personal care attendants, and homecare workers who do such important work are able to have secure, stable, fulfilling employment.

Q: Will your party work with organizations and stakeholders in the overall disability sector to develop and implement a competency-based training system?

A: Yes. Well-trained, competent, and compassionate disability support workers are of the utmost importance to ensure a quality standard care is provided to the disabled and elderly.

New Democratic Party of Manitoba

New Democratic Party of Manitoba

The Manitoba NDP respects and values frontline workers in the disability sector, and know so many of them have not received a fair deal. We will work with the community to ensure all frontline disability support workers, personal care attendants, and homecare workers receive fair wages that reflect their skills, training and responsibilities.

Fair wages will help attract and retain this workforce and stabilize supports in the sector. We will also work with the disability community to develop and implement a competency-based training system informed by best practices.

Progressive Conservative Party of Manitoba

Progressive Conservative Party of Manitoba

Q: Will your party commit to an increase over the next 3 years of $21, $23, and $25 for an average wage for disability support workers?

A: Our PC government was proud to provide the single largest ever investment in the disability sector in 2023, when we budgeted nearly $82 million to increase funded hourly wage and benefit rates in the CLDS and CDS programs. These raises mean since April 1, 2023, the baseline funded hourly wage rate for direct service workers and supervisors increased to $19 and $20.90 respectively, up from $15 to $16.

This recent wage increase was historic, and signified a major step forward in supporting service providers to establish a meaningful and competitive wage. But we recognize there’s more to do. That’s why we’re committed to a wage review across caring sectors, as well as an increase to at least $23 by 2026.

Q: Will your party work toward similar average hourly wage increases for all frontline disability support workers, personal care attendants, and homecare workers with similar responsibilities?

A: Our PC Party is committed to a wage review across caring sectors to ensure similar hourly wage increases for all frontline disability support workers, personal care attendants, and homecare workers with similar responsibilities.

Q: Will your party work with organizations and stakeholders in the overall disability sector to develop and implement a competency-based training system?

A: Yes, our party will work with organizations and stakeholders in the overall disability sector to develop and implement a competency-based training system, following consultation that will launch within 180 days of being re-elected.